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Welcome to Mini Morlanders!

Mini Morlanders' Pre-School

Here at Morland our Pre-School children are fully integrated with the Reception children and we are delighted to welcome them into our Team Morland family.

We offer morning, afternoon or full day sessions for pre-school aged children from 3 years old. This is available 5 days a week from 8am until 5:30pm. You can use our setting for your 15 hours free government funded place, 30 hours funded place and we also accept child-care vouchers.

We have a large, spacious classroom with a secure outdoor area joined onto the classroom which is accessible at all times for the children.

There are 2 experienced staff in the classroom throughout the day - 1 teacher (Mrs Harrison on a Monday and Tuesday, followed by Mrs Williamson on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and 2 teaching assistants Mrs Armstrong (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Miss Byers (Thursday and Friday). 


We are offering the 30 hours funded places. To find out if you are eligible for this please visit the following website:

For further information, to arrange a visit or to enquire about places please contact the school office on 01931 714668 or

Children that attend Mini Morlanders' should bring the following items with them:

  • Pair of indoor shoes (shoes or plimsolls) that are left in school to be worn in the classroom
  • Pair of outdoor shoes (preferably wellies) which your child should wear to/from school & at play times
  • Named water bottle
  • Spare clothes which can be left on child’s peg
  • Waterproof over trousers/coat for winter months