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Useful Websites for Home Learning

Useful Websites

This website gives children access to a range of learning activities they can do at home
This website gives children access to a range on learning books
This website is full of lots of activities that supports your children's learning
This website is for advice about staying safe when you're online
This website provides online books for children to read
This website has many games to help children with there maths skills
  • Oxford Owl FREE ACCESS - Parents set up own login

This website is fantastic and supports many subjects taught at school
Games, Puzzles and quizzes for Nursery, Reception and Y1 children
This website had lots of wonderful activities to extend your learning in maths
This website has different 'Class Clips' that children can watch and learn from
This website has lots of different maths activities that will help your maths skills
This website is another Maths learning platform. The children use this in school
This website is a fun way for children to do their times tables practice
This website has lots of different Math activities
This website has lots of different activities for maths
This is a online library of books in different languages to read with children.
Phonics games for children to use to practice new phonemes and graphemes