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Class 4

Welcome to Class 4

A taste of class 4


Welcome to Class 4 - Year 5 and 6

Class 4 – Summer Term 2024

We hope you are all well and have had a lovely Easter break. 

We are looking forward to hearing all of the children’s news from the holidays and have lots of exciting plans in place for everyone to enjoy.

Class Four are taught by Mrs Donnelly-Stott (Monday) and Mrs Thornton (Tuesday-Friday).  We also have French lessons with Mrs Walsh on Wednesdays and Guitar with Mr Johnson on Fridays.

We have an exciting start to the term learning all about Ancient Greece and to accompany this learning we will be studying the texts ‘Odysseus’ and ‘Who Let The Gods Out?’. Later on in the term we will also read  ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’.

Guided reading – During this term we will be completing ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’.  The children will be given homework based on the text which will usually include some reading to do at home as well.  Children are also expected to read daily at home from their own chosen text and log their reading on Boom Reader (link available on Google Classroom).

In Science we will be learning about ‘Forces’, ‘Life Cycles’, ‘Habitats’ and ‘Sex and Relationships’.  We will be working on our investigations, explanations and understanding of enquiry style questions.

Spelling – New spellings for this term are now available on our new Google Classroom page, our class web page, and Spelling Shed. As before we add 5 new spellings each week to the previous list in order to further consolidate the learning.  Spelling Shed should be accessed and practised at home regularly.

Maths – Please continue to help your child learn all of their times tables. The children can also practise these using ‘Times Table Rockstars’ (the fun games website school subscribes to; each child has a log in for this). They will have a class tables test each Friday alongside a Big Maths test – the ‘Learn It’s’ are based on the previous week’s test.

Homework – Homework will be available on Google Classroom and should be submitted back there every week to be marked. Maths and Guided Reading homework will be uploaded weekly and should be completed and returned before the following week.  Year 6 also have some practice SATs booklets which would be useful for them to access as short bursts of revision activities.  Please do get in touch if you have any questions or if your child has found a question tricky and we will be happy to help. Although our class timetable will remain normal, we will be slotting in some revision sessions for Year 6 over the next few weeks.

 Please note the Year 6 (Key Stage 2 ) SATs assessment dates are from Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May 2024.

This term, PE will take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Please remember to have a suitable PE kit in school every day for indoor and outdoor PE, as we do make occasional changes.  Please include warm PE clothes and spare socks as well as a T-shirt, joggers, shorts and a fleece/jumper due to the changeable weather.   

Later in the term, we will be having swimming lessons every day for two weeks. Key Stage 2 swimming will take place from Monday 3rd June - Friday 14th June. Children will need their usual swimming kits every day during these two weeks.

Sailing - We have also been lucky enough to secure two full days sailing on lake Ullswater once again with Ullswater Yacht Club on the 24th and 25th June. This will be an amazing opportunity for all of the children to learn about sailing and water safety, equipment safety and how to control small sailing boats.

We are very excited for ‘Art Week’ which will be happening during the week commencing 22/4/23 in preparation for our very special school 50th birthday celebrations at the end of the week (Friday 26th April) where we hope you will be able to join in our celebrations during the afternoon with a tea party, art gallery viewings and much more before party celebrations in the evening and even a Ceilidh! We hope to see many of you there. We look forward to working with Jenny Brook and Ragtag Arts throughout the week!

Equipment – please ensure your child brings a labelled water bottle every Monday.  Water bottles will stay in school during the week and will be sent home on Fridays. No pencil cases will be needed as the children will have their own pen pack in school. School guitars will be sent home every Friday and should be brought back into school every Friday morning for our Guitar lessons with Mr Johnson.

Year 6 Transition -on Thursday 4th July there will be a transition day for the current Year 6 children to visit the secondary school they will join in September, I hope they all enjoy the day and the opportunity to get to know their new schools. As part of their transition we will also attend Carlisle Cathedral with the Year 6’s for a special Service on 18th June along with many other local schools. There will also be a special outdoor activity day at Patterdale Hall for the Year 6’s on Friday 21st June who will attend with other Year 6 children from our surrounding local schools, which will be a great opportunity to get to know other children they may go to secondary school with.

Please note our annual Leaver’s BBQ will be held after school on 5th July and the Leaver’s Play will be during the morning of 18th July.

The children will need wellies/outdoor boots for playtime, indoor shoes to change into, waterproof trousers and a coat.  As always, please ensure all clothing and shoes are clearly labelled.

We’re all looking forward to seeing you and having an exciting term at school.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Thornton and Mrs Donnelly-Stott

Spellings Year 5 and 6