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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2

A little bit about Class 2:
Miss Berry is our teacher and Miss Elliott supports us for 2 hours every morning and 2 afternoons a week.  Miss Anderton teaches us on a Wednesday morning and Mrs Murphy and Madame Walsh teach us on a Wednesday afternoon. 

In English this half-term we will be looking at 2 stories, 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Drew Daywalt and 'The Dark' by Lemony Snicket.  We will be looking at drawing on previously learnt vocabulary and understanding the texts.  We will also be looking at writing letters and poems linked with the texts and recapping and developing our punctuation and grammar skills.  

In our math lessons we will be focussing on learning and developing our multiplication and division skills, position and direction and beginning to understand and recognise simple fractions.  We will also continue to develop our problem-solving skills in a range of fun and practical activities. 


In Science this term, we will be studying animals including humans, looking at similarities and differences of several types and their characteristics, also sorting them into subgroups. Thinking about things like what makes an animal? What do they need? Why do they have fur or feathers? Are they all the same? What are mammals and reptiles? and so on. 

For PE this half-term we will be looking at learning and developing our net game skills and striking and fielding games that involve batters.  Within these lessons we will continue to develop our throwing and catching skills as well as learning rules about games and how to handle equipment properly for specific games.  Children are to come to school in an appropriate PE kit on Mondays and Thursdays.  Please ensure all children have trainers on PE days.    

In History this term we will focus on 2 important individuals that have helped shape our futures and have had a positive impact on the world: Mary Anning and David Attenborough.  We will be learning all about their lives and careers and the important work they have done in helping us appreciate and look after our planet.

Design Technology:
This term we will be looking at construction and will be designing, making and evaluating our very own special project which will be linked to our History topic - keep your eyes peeled for updates!  

In art this term we will be looking at stained-glass windows and will be having a go at creating some of our own 'windows'.  We will be completing three different techniques to create some beautiful masterpieces.  

Religious Education:
This half-term we will be looking at understanding that Jesus lived a long time ago and the world we live in now is very different to Jesus' world over 2000 years ago.  We will talk about the human nature and experiences of Jesus as he lived in the world at that time.  We will understand that Jesus was a Jew and would have followed Jewish Laws and traditions and will explore some of these. 

This half-term we will be using our Ipads to support our learning with digital writing and photography.  We will explore the toolbar and look at how to edit a text and how lighting can play an important part in photography.  We will also be looking at what effects we can add to an image once it has been taken.  

Every Friday morning we will do a spelling test.
The spellings are attached at the bottom of the class page under ‘spellings’ and then under each year group for this half-term.
The spellings are also on ‘spelling shed’ where children can practice their spellings in a safe, fun and interactive way online. 

Times Tables:
The children will complete a times tables test on a Friday morning. 
They will work through their 10s before moving onto their 2s and on to their 5s.  Children will start with times tables in order (bronze level), then move on to times tables muddled up (silver level) before moving on to the division facts (gold level).  The children can use the fun and safe online site ‘Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS)’ to practice their current times tables. 
For children just wanting to practice multiplication facts on TTRS you will need to select ‘single player’, then ‘jamming’ and then select ‘multiplication only’ otherwise you will get a selection of both multiplication and division questions. 


  • Reading – Children should continue to read for at least 5 minutes every day to an adult at home. 
  • Mathematics – Children will have a math homework sheet, which is linked to the work they have been doing that week in class.  This will be uploaded to Google Classroom on a Friday where they should complete this and submit it back to Google Classroom for the following Friday.
  • Spellings and times tables – your child should continue to practice their weekly spellings and times tables.  These can be done either on paper writing them out, or on ‘spelling shed’ and ‘TTRS’.